Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Video: B.O.B. Changes His Name To 'Bobby Ray'
courtesy of MTV News:
“People hit me on Facebook, Twitter, on MySpace,” he said with a smile in his home. “I don’t know how it got to that. How it got twisted to ‘I quit.’ I didn’t quit. Things got misunderstood.”
B.o.B’s new sound has involved a lot of instrumentation and a rock-and-roll edge.
“Now I go by the name Bobby Ray. Make sure you put Bobby Ray, the MC revealed. “I’m really going into a new direction — more free and not trying to live up to any particular genre. I don’t feel like I’ve been doing that. I don’t feel like I’ve been trying to fit in, but I feel even more free-spirited. I have more willingness musically. That’s all I’m about. I’m about guitars, chords and keyboards.”
...and I would now like to only be referred to as Sam Rossteez. As an added bonus, check out Bobby Ray's debut track below.
DOWNLOAD: Bobby Ray - Mr. Bobby